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Our team
15 Resuscitator Anesthetists and 6 Anesthetist Nurses
You will meet an anesthetist during the compulsory anesthesia consultation before any anesthesia.
The anesthetist who will take care of you in the operating room may be different from the one seen in consultation.
He can be accompanied by a nurse anesthetist in his tasks in the operating room

Dr. C Arnaud
Sector 1 agreement
Former Hospital Practitioner

Dr. A Bessodes
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM
Former Head of Clinic at Caen University Hospital
Former Hospital Practitioner

Dr. V Bonnet
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM
Former Head of Clinic at Caen University Hospital

Dr. C. Buléon
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM

Dr. H De Facq Regent
Sector 1 agreement

Dr. R D'Orlando
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM

Dr. A Jacob
Sector 1 agreement

Dr. JM Lemaitre
Sector 1 agreement

Dr. E Lemasson Floury
Sector 1 agreement
Ultrasound training in ALR
DU Pediatric Anesthesia (Rennes)
Ability to assess and treat pain (Nantes)
Member of the DOLOPARC team

Dr. LA Martin
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM
Former Head of Clinic of Paris Hospitals
DU in Pediatric Anesthesia
DU in Loco-regional anesthesia

Dr. S Mayer
Sector 1 agreement

Dr. M Orabona
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM
Former Assistant Specialist

Dr. E Persehaye
Sector 1 agreement

Dr. C Persyn
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM
Former Head of Clinic at Caen University Hospital
Medical hypnosis practitioner
Haemovigilance correspondent

Dr. F Vidal
Sector 2 agreement with OPTAM
Former Specialist Assistant in CHU de Caen
DU Pediatric Anesthesia (Paris)

Dr. LA Zerajic
Sector 1 agreement
DU Techniques in Anesthesia, Resuscitation
DU Meditation, stress management and caring relationships
State-certified nurse anesthetists

Mme C Bossard

Mr A Paysant

Mr P Foisnet

Mme C Roussel

Mr E Leroy
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