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Childhood anesthesia (<10 years)

Download the information sheet here  : 

What is anesthesia in children?

Anesthetic drugs are used to block pain and induce sleep so that a procedure can be performed without pain or discomfort. 

Several types of anesthesia are possible:

- General anaesthesia

- Loco-regional anesthesia

- Sedation 

In our center, we almost exclusively perform general anesthesia.

What is the role of the anesthetist?

In consultation : 
The anesthesiologist sees the child with his parents to assess his state of health.
He can thus explain the anesthesia, its risks and suggest the one that is most suitable.
He will also give you the rules for preoperative fasting.
A document will be given to you:

Fasting Instructions :
- Stop drinking 2 hours before arrival at the clinic
- Between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m . : Clear drinks allowed such as juice without pulp or water
- Stop eating 6 hours before arrival (food / industrial milk / Drinks with pulp / Exciting drinks

-Stop drinking breast milk 4 hours before arrival




It will collect the authorization to operate and the consent.
The child will be under his responsibility during his stay in the operating room, with regard to the anesthesia.

The anesthetist may ask you to give your child, before coming to the clinic, Paracetamol in syrup (Doliprane or Dafalgan).  

In the operating room : 
It is necessary to respect the rules of hygiene in particular the taking of the 2 preoperative showers.

Your child will be able to come with his blanket . He may, depending on his age, enter  in the operating room using an electric car .
The anesthetist will see you again before entering the operating room.

In the operating room :
The anesthesia will be done by means of a mask placed on the face of your child or by the infusion (back of the hand, foot, ...) depending on his age.
Once the operation is over, your child will stay in the recovery room to ensure that he or she is well awakened before meeting you.


To date, it is not possible for parents to accompany your child to the operating room or to the recovery room.


What are the risks associated with anesthesia in children?

Anesthesia is never without risk. Some of these risks are unpredictable and can happen to anyone.
The state of health, the
 age  of your child  and the type of surgery influence these risks.
The more specific risks for children are respiratory: bronchospasm and laryngospasm (infrequent), however adverses effects presented in the General anesthesia section may be observed.

Link to the site of the Sparadrap association

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