Potentialized Local Anesthesia / Sedation
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Potentialized local anesthesia (PLA)
Potentiated local anesthesia is the association of a local anesthesia, most often done by the surgeon, to which we associate intravenous anesthetics which will amplify the effects of local anesthesia. This additional anesthesia can achieve to a sedation.
Example: ophthalmic surgery, placement of an implantable chamber, ...
Sedation is the use of anesthetic drugs at lower doses so that you are relaxed, relaxed without being under deep general anesthesia.
It is possible with this anesthesia, that you want to sleep, more or less marked memories of the intervention.
With this anesthesia, we can often interact. This anesthesia is done most of the time by infusion. We can associate hypnosis techniques with it.
Who performs this anesthesia?
General anesthesia will be performed by the anesthetist that you have seen in consultation or by one of his colleagues. You may be taken care of by one of the IADEs from our team in collaboration with the anesthesiologist responsible for your anesthesia.
These 2 Anesthesia techniques are very safe to this day, however, there is still a low risk of side effects or complications. These risks are more frequent in the elderly, smokers, diabetic and overweight patients, and those with a significant deterioration in organ function (heart, lung, kidney, liver, etc.)
What are the side effects associated with this anesthesia?
The risks are less than with general anesthesia. But, if the sedation is important, the risks become close to those of general anesthesia.